August 10-14, 2015, Beijing, China
In conjunction with UIC 2015, ATC 2015, ScalCom 2015, CBDCom 2015, IoP 2015

  Registration Instructions for 2015 Smart World Congress
Registration Instructions for IEEE UIC-ATC-ScalCom-CBDCom-IoP 2015 and the Associated Symposium and Workshops:
The registration process includes the following TWO STEPs:

STEP I: Complete the Final Paper and Copyright Submission to IEEE Library
STEP II: Complete the Payment

  • If you are a Non-author Conference Attendee, please directly perform the Basic Registration in STEP II.
  • Please use your Paper_ID assigned at Accepted Paper List in the following registration steps.

   STEP I: Complete the Final Paper and Copyright Submission to IEEE Library


1. All submitted paper should follow the IEEE CS format: Microsoft Word 2003 and LaTeX for Windows. Your submitted paper MUST be pdf version.
2. The paper page limit and purchasing extra pages

  • Regular Paper: 8 pages, up to 2 extra pages at $50 (RMB 300) per extra page.
  • Short/Poster Paper: 4 pages, no extra pages.
  • Symposium/Workshop Paper: 6 pages, up to 2 extra pages at $50 (RMB 300) per extra page.
  • Abstract: 2 pages, no extra pages.

3. We suggest you check the paper format with the toolkit PDF eXpress. If a temporary Paper ID generated in this process, please DO NOT use this temporary Paper ID at any other registration steps. Generally, if you strictly follow the IEEE CS format to figure your submitted paper, you can skip the step of "STEP 5: PDF eXpress Online File Conversion/PDF Validation Tool" in the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services website.
4. Along with paper submission, you MUST submit a Copyright Release Form with filling your paper message, which is in step 7 of IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services.
5. Final Paper Submission Due: June 5, 2015 (We strongly suggest you complete your registration ASAP. It will help the editor check and feedback on your paper info timly.)


Please carefully follow "Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions" in the "IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services" webpage. BEGIN submission paper to IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services.

If you have any questions during STEP I, please contact IEEE editor: Randall Bilof (Email: rbilof[AT] with the mail subject "UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015", and cc to; lal_ustb[AT]

  STEP II: Complete the Payment


1. EACH accepted paper needs one Full Registration;
2. The Basic Registration is for
  1) If one author has made the full registration, other authors of the paper want to attend the conference
  2) An attendee without a paper.
3. Final Payment for Full Registration Due: June 5, 2015; final Payment for Basic Registration Due: July 31, 2015.
4. The STEP II is seperated from STEP I above. If you have any questions during STEP II, please DO NOT contact IEEE Conference Publishing Services editor. Please contact: Email:; Tel: +86-10-62333406

BEGIN STEP II: Complete the Payment

Authors from USTB

Please CLICK HERE >> for Registration Information.

Authors from China Mainland

Please CLICK HERE >> for Registration Information.

Other authors from international, HongKong, Macao and TaiWan

Please CLICK HERE >> for Registration Information.