The 2015 Smart World Congress Keynotes

August 10-14, Beijing, China

Congress Keynote
Keynote Speaker:
Professor Julien Bourgeois

Univ. of Franche-Comté,
Institut FEMTO-ST, CNRS, France


The promise of ubiquitous computing, stated by Mark Weiser in 1991, was a computing technology that disappear to be everywhere. With the recent advances of micro-technology, this is literally possible i.e. technology can actually disappear from the human eyes. Indeed, over the last decades, the research on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) has focused on the engineering process building smaller and smaller prototypes and profitable products. Now, the time has come to build smarter and smarter prototypes such that intelligence will be directly integrated within the matter. This integration will open new frontiers for computing, creating an Internet of micro-things or even smaller, of nano-things like defined by Ian F. Akyildiz. In this talk, the latest projects in this field will be presented including sensing nanoparticles, nanoswimmers, programmable matter, smart array of MEMS and so on, defining the challenges raised by these new computing environments.


Julien Bourgeois is professor of computer science at the University of Franche-Comté (UFC) in France. He is part of the FEMTO-ST institute (UMR CNRS 6174) where he is leading the complex networks team. His research interests are in distributed intelligent MEMS (DiMEMS), P2P networks and security management for complex networks. He has been invited professor at Carnegie Mellon University (US) from 9/2012 to 8/2013, at Emory University (US) in 2011 and in Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2010 and 2011. He led different funded research projects (Smart Surface, Smart Blocks, Computation and coordination for DiMEMS). He is currently leading the topic “System architecture, communication, networking” in the LABEX ACTION, a 10 M€ funded program whose aims at building integrated smart systems ( He has also worked in the Centre for Parallel Computing at the University of Wetsminster (UK) and in the Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche (CNR) in Genova. He collaborated with several other institutions (Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Oak Ridge National Lab, etc.). He created and chaired the workshop on Distributed MEMS (dMEMS 2010, 2012, 2015). In 2005, he created and then chaired all the editions of the Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Peer-to-peer environments (MSOP2P) collocated with PDP until 2013. He has worked for more than 10 years on these topics has co-authored more than 120 international publications and communications and has served as PC members and chaired various conferences (IEEE iThings, IEEE HPCC, Euromicro PDP, IEEE GreenCom , IEEE CPSCom, GPC, etc). Apart from its research activities, he is acting as a consultant for the French government and for companies.


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