The 2015 Smart World Congress Keynotes

August 10-14, Beijing, China

Congress Keynote
Tutorial Talk Speaker:
Raghu Ganti, PhD

IBM T. J. Watson Research Center


Mobile devices such as smartphones, embedded dashboards in cars are becoming popular and are increasingly connected to the Internet. A key sensor data generated by these devices through various apps is location data (e.g., map apps collect location data for traffic analysis, Telecommunication companies collect location data from xDRs, Twitter/FourSquare collect location information when you tweet or check-in). As the data collected grows due to the societal scale, a key challenge is to be able to analyze such data using new-age distributed platforms such as Storm, Hadoop, and Spark. In this tutorial, I will present the challenges that are faced when analyzing such data and describe the solutions that IBM has developed. This tutorial will also involve a hands-on session that will allow the attendees to download and work with an example dataset and analyze the location data.


Raghu Ganti is a Research Staff Member at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He is part of the Cloud-based Networks department. His research interests span big data, wireless sensor networks, privacy, data mining, and cloud computing. He obtained his MS and PhD degrees from the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in August 2010. He is the recipient of the Siebel Scholar Fellowship, Class of 2010. He received his B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in Computer Science and Engineering.


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